Gov't Conspiracies & other Hazards

November 11, 2015

Thinning out the Global Population

Filed under: Uncategorized — mmc7 @ 12:45 AM

These are real items which actually exist. There is no “theory” involved. There is documentation on all of these subjects. Just uncovering a few items which might interest someone.

There is a monument in Elbert county, Georgia called the Georgia Guidestone  which states a list of desired rules for improving the planet.

Two of these rules are:

  • Maintaining the population at 500 million.
  • Control reproduction

There are several more which you can see at the link below. I don’t necessarily disagree with the rules but we should wonder just how they plan to reduce the population?

Other corresponding items regarding this subject:

There are a large number of Railroad boxcars which have been outfitted with chains & cuffs to accommodate and transport. thousands of prisoners. Persons who worked on this project said the boxcars were modified in the state of Washington, I believe.

There are dozens of FEMA prisons around the country. There was a list on the internet but I no longer have the link. I will have to look. These are intended for those who do not cooperate when FEMA is in control of Martial Law. The only good news is that these facilities can only handle a couple thousand at best. So only the worst offenders will end up there… however, they may shoot the overflow since the Executive Orders also give FEMA control of the country above everyone except the President. That includes the National guard and Communications and the right to conscript civilians into work gangs or the military against their will. You can look these Laws regarding FEMA up under the Presidential Executive Orders. Red Cross is a front for FEMA. They are joined at the hip. This is no joke. I spent two years on a major metro Emergency Management Agency. FEMA and Red Cross called the shots… and there were no intentions of rescuing anyone from a disaster.

There is an enormous underground shelter under the new Denver Airport. Access is protected by sonic deterrents & laser security systems. At one time they had horrible murals on the walls of the airport terminal above this shelter depicting the end of the world, soldiers in gas masks, children in caskets, skeletons, etc. They have removed and modified some of these because of the public uproar but I will post those images on a separate post.  They chose this location because of the mile high above sea level characteristics and the granite mountains.  This shelter is for the gov’t and bigwig corporate officers. There are other elite shelters across the country for the price of about $60,000 per person.

There is also a network of underground tunnels connecting these sites as well as gov’t and military (USAF). They have been running those underground tunnel boring machines continuously. You can see them by going up on Google or Yahoo and looking at images of TBM’s. As these machines bore the tunnels, they cause small earthquakes below 4.0 and you could track the tunnels and rate of progress on Google earth but they have removed some of that info after I posted it. They are now adding secondary tunnels in case the primary become damaged. They can run two sets of Mag-lev trains in each tunnel. Unfortunately, their haste implies they are expecting a global calamity soon so they have been careless causing damage and subsidence of the ground above which they are blaming on fracking. I can tell you that they weren’t doing any fracking at George W Bush’s house in Dallas. They began his primary tunnel to Denver in Dec 2008. Then last year in Oct 2014, they added another tunnel going west to link up with NM (Taos, Dulce & Albuquerque) and on to Groom Lake, NV A51. You can see for yourself if you go on Google earth and turn on the earthquake symbols and zoom in looking for the quakes below 4.0. They went through Irving near the DFW airport… so that is a good place to start unless they have removed the icons. The 2008-2009 tunnel quakes going north from Dallas to Denver are not there anymore. It did give the precise location of that tunnel. Texas is a zone zero earthquake zone… so there should not be any earthquakes in this state. Only the tunnel boring machines cause the quakes. I also know someone who worked on those projects and have a photo of one of the USAF TBM’s. All of this is genuine. Not conspiracy theory.

As for thinning out the population:

Leaving us behind with no shelters and no information on calamities we should prepare for would definitely thin us out. So would toxins in our food, water, flu shots, medicines, carcinogens, cell phones, etc. I had to alter the spelling of some of these words as they would make too many hits on the word recognition system they have at the NSA for emails, phone calls and internet sites. Especially since they presently seem to be at high alert and are out in force. I’ve never seen so many responders on every corner. Since this is just a harmless website with discussions for thought, there is no point in setting them into a frenzy. I still have some really good subjects, photos and documents to share.

I had noticed that a couple of the train cars on the train which derailed a couple days ago looked a lot like nucIear fuel casks. Normally the US casks are cylindrical but that train was from Canada and the British use rectangular and square casks for their fuel. Bad enough we have to store our own. Now it looks like we are storing for others as well. Some states like Oklahoma actually invite other countries to bring their hazardous waste to their states. Pure Greed! They are too ignorant to consider the risk to others and the water table as well. But what if those trains are being deliberately derailed for that reason? Perhaps that is why they seem to be in a frenzy? Holidays make them more worried and when they get into a frenzy, they make mistakes which usually end up hurting innocent citizens and bystanders. So no reason to upset them.

The gov’t is definitely in a rush to finish those tunnels and shelters as if there is a huge catastrophe coming our way between 2020 and 2026. You can also bet they have the CIA running false terrorist scams to blame some concocted arab group for any disasters to thin out the population such as the 911, world trade center and anthrX letters which traced back to our own germ lab at Ft Detrick where they tried to hang it on the lab Director because he knew which bigwig carried out the germs. Only someone like the VP or defense secretary (Chaney & Rumsfeld) would have high enough rank to access those germs which were traced to our own lab by DNA. Interesting that they only sent those to the top 3 Democrat Senators, the newspaper office which published W’s cocaine use and Awol record and the NBC correspondent who was quite upset when he was covering the Florida Ballot scam. Why would any real terrorist go after Democrats when the Republicans were in power. And those same three were the ones who had been consistently blocking W in the Senate. All of those details seem to connect the dots very clearly.

By the way, Rumsfeld was also the CEO for the pharmaceutical company which makes all the flu shots and NutraSweet. Isn’t it amazing how they know exactly which strain of flu vaccine to make a year in advance? It takes a full year to manufacture those shots. And they always seem to come from China… just like someone is deliberately spiking the locations. Rumsfeld also attended the Bohemian grove group which meets every summer in Sonoma county near Greenville. I took a photo of him when he arrived in a chartered jet…. among others. Nearly the same group as the Builderbergers except they don’t have women.

You might also be interested to know that Marvin Bush had a two week security project in the world trade center which ended Monday 9-10… the day before 9ll. Who ends a job on a Monday the day before the disaster.

A bank manager working at nights said they had the bomb sniffing dogs removed from the building during those 2 weeks and he heard drilling in the concrete going on during those nights. He also said the office above him removed all their office furniture the weekend before 9ll (one of those big good ole boy corporations which I’ll have to look up again). Let us not forget building 7 wasn’t even hit but it collapsed a day or two later. Isn’t it handy that the brother of the Pres was the one doing all that drilling 2 weeks prior. Not to mention the buildings were purchased just 6 months earlier with a special request for terrorism insurance. Let us not forget the report Rice had about attacks by planes on the WTC just a month before.

Then we had a round hole in the Pentagon with no marks on the outer wall where the wings, engines and tail would have impacted and left marks and damage where they struck. Hence it was a missile and Rumsfeld even stated such during an interview. It was also a new section specially fortified just weeks before the impact and was only partially occupied. Interesting how those giant engines & wings & bodies disappeared. There is no way that was a plane. There is a lot more on this subject. For some Arab to be using planes to punish our evil ways… the lead person sure spent a lot of time drinking in strip bars before going after us. If these guys were so devout lsIamics who go through rituals to perform those tasks… I don’t think they would have been hanging out in strip bars doing things no devout follower would do.

Then there was the FBI agent who noticed these guys weren’t acting right and reported them and was transferred out of state and penalized for bringing it up.

There was a letter I think McNamera wrote to Kennedy suggesting placing a bunch of CIA agents on a plane (back in the 60’s) and using it to create a false hijack incident making people believe that Cuba had killed a plane full of passengers. Sound familiar? The CIA does a lot of fake terror groups such as Lebanon and Iran for example. Probably central America as well. They set up these groups and get some real volunteers which they can keep an eye on and do some genuine damage to protect their cover. Plus they also do fake attacks. I knew more than one person who worked in these intelligence agencies. There is no low to rotten for them.

Allen Dulles and Bissell were the ones who set up Kennedy on the Bay of Pigs to make him look bad. After Kennedy fired them, I believe Dulles was the one who set up the hit on Kennedy. Who better to find criminal  hit men and a double agent as a scapegoat. No defector could have easily entered the USSR… not to mention leave again with a Russian wife and then reenter the US after that with a Russian wife with no problem at all? If you think that Dulles wasn’t involved… just look at who they picked for the Warren Commission to investigate the hit on Kennedy. Dulles. He knew exactly how to lead the commission around in circles to keep them off of his tail since he set it up. The joint chiefs and the cabinet members were probably the ones who contacted Dulles since he had all the years of CIA knowledge. We’ll go through this subject on another post.

I’m just reminding everyone of things forgotten.

Check out the axischange website also on wordpress for more info.

More info on the axis change and other items such as nucIear accidents can be obtained from which will address some of these issues and include links. had those 911 DVD’s about these issues. Jesse Ventura’s TV Conspiracy show also covered some of these issues.

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